Recorded webinars


Jan: MAPS 5.0: Machine learning force-field development for industrial research


Jun: What’s New in MAPS 4.5

May: Multiscale materials modeling: Applications for polymers and coatings

Apr: Addressing regulatory and quality related shelf-life issues with materials modeling

Mar: Optimizing product design with workflows using the new MAPS 4.5

Feb: Addressing cleaning processes in the home & personal care industry with materials simulations

Jan: Materials simulations in the chemical process industry


Oct: SciMeeting2021 Day 3 of 3

Oct: SciMeeting2021 Day 2 of 3

Oct: SciMeeting2021 Day 1 of 3

Sep: New developments and applications in materials simulations

May: Safe and sustainable chemicals for the food and beverage industry

Apr: Clean, high quality low emission fuels with Fischer-Tropsch polymerization: a mesoscale study of transport processes in confined systems – Featuring Prof. Ioannis Economou

Mar: Molecular simulations of tribological systems using MAPS and LAMMPS – Featuring Dr. James P. Ewen

Feb: Thermophysical properties and phase behavior of industrially relevant systems – Featuring Prof. Edward Maginn


Dec: MAPS 4.4 for designing environmentally friendly products & processes

May 21 & Jun 4: Designing drug formulations and medical devices
May 14: Designing home & personal care products
May 7: Designing advanced coating materials
Feb: Designing products using advanced workflow technology


Jun: Property workflows For polymers and Surfactants
Feb: Design and optimize the performance of a cleaning paper tissue with cleaning liquid


Oct: Designing Flavors and Fragrances using MAPS
Sep: Predicting Properties and Behavior of Lubricants and Refrigerants using MAPS
Aug: Deep Insights into Photovoltaic Materials, Organic Semiconductors and OLEDs using MAPS
Jul: What’s New in MAPS 4.2
May: Investigating Complex Inorganic Polymers Using MAPS
Apr: Advanced Model Building & 3D Visualization in MAPS 4.1
Feb: Exploring Chemical Reactivity using MAPS 4.1
Jan: Efficient Design of Additives using MAPS 4.1


Oct: What’s New in MAPS 4.1 – Part III
Sep: Design and Optimization of Coating Materials using MAPS
Jul: New features and modules in our upcoming release of MAPS-4.1 platform
Jun: MULTISCALE Consortium web meeting
May: Simulating Rheological Process of Complex Systems using MAPS
Apr: High Throughput Virtual Screening and Innovation Using QSPR in MAPS
Mar: Characterization and Optimization of Novel Electrode Materials using MAPS Platform
Feb: Modeling Packaging Materials using MAPS
Jan: Modeling Coatings using MAPS


Oct: Smart Design/Screening of Engineered Polymers using MAPS
Sep: Modeling and Optimizing Polymerization Process using MAPS
Aug: Multiscale Modeling of Formulated Systems using MAPS
Jul: MAPS Basic for Academics
Jun: Modeling Properties of Materials Using Periodic Quantum Simulations
May: Consortium members only so no recording will be provided “MULTISCALE Consortium – First Quarter Meeting”
Apr: Chameleon and Multiscale Consortium: Tools for Efficiently Simulating Complex Polymers
Mar: What’s New in MAPS 4.0
Feb: Uncovering the Origins of Subtle Solvation-Based Film Defects. Invited Lecture by Dr. Nancy Iwamoto from Honeywell. Recording cannot be provided since it has not been authorized by Honeywell
Jan: SciMeeting on Web


Oct: Study of Properties at Surfaces and Interfaces using MAPS
Sep : What’s New in MAPS 3.4.2
Sep: MAPS-basic web seminar
Aug: Study of Catalytic Reactions – Using MAPS
Jul: Study of Materials and Heat Transport – Using MAPS
Jun: Advanced Analysis Capabilities in MAPS – Part II
May : Advanced Analysis Capabilities in MAPS – Part I
Apr: Advanced Model Building Capabilities in MAPS
Mar: ReaxFF Plugin in MAPS
Feb: Versatile Quantum Engine – NWChem in MAPS
Jan : Powerful Quantum Engine – ABINIT in MAPS


Dec: Scienomics Web-SciMeeting 2014
Nov: Applications of MAPS to Drug Delivery
Sep: Modeling Composites in MAPS
Aug: Modeling Catalysis Reactions using MAPS
Jul: Modeling Linear and Crosslink Polymers in MAPS
Jun : Thermodynamics Property Prediction in MAPS
May : MAPS for Oil & Gas Industry
Apr : QSAR/QSPR/DataBase in MAPS
Mar: Reactive Molecular Dynamics in MAPS
Feb : Mesoscale Modeling in MAPS