Request a trial

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User registration and request of a trial

In order to obtain a trial license you need to have an account on our site. You can create one using your email address with your organization (no general purpose email addresses will be accepted) and present briefly your research domain(s). Once we have validated your request you will be able to login to our site and download the software and the license from MEMBERS AREA > My Scienomics. YOU WILL NEED TO ACCEPT THE SCIENOMICS END USER TERMS AND CONDITIONS. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO DO SO. ALTERNATIVELY YOU NEED TO HAVE AN AUTHORIZED PERSON OF YOUR ORGANIZATION REGISTERING ON OUR SITE AND ACCEPTING THEM.
Registrations with general purpose email domains (e.g. gmail, yahoo, ..) will be automatically rejected).
Describe what are your research interests...
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Recorded Webinars

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Are you interested in our Recorded Webinars ?